Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Growing Up?

6 Desember 2009, Minggu

Saat ini gue tiba di titik dimana gue merasa teman hanyalah formalitas untuk jalan dan bersenang-senang. Bukan teman untuk berbagi apalagi bersedih2an. That’s why I really doubt the quote “a friend inneed is a friend indeed”. Skeptical. Apakah ini salah satu fase kehidupan menuju kedewasaan yang memang harus dilewati?

Semoga gue bisa menarik pelajaran dari semua ini dan bersiap diri ketika harus menghadapi situasi yang sama di kemudian hari.
Semoga gue bisa menceritakan pengalaman ini ke anak2 gue dan mewanti2 mereka.
Semoga gue masih bisa mengingat pengalaman ini dan membaginya ke semua orang di kala gue sudah tua nanti.

Saat ini gue sedang dalam proses lebih mendekatkan diri kepada keluarga dan Sang Maha Pencipta. Keluarga yang selalu menerima gue apa adanya, apapun sifat gue, apapun penyakit yang gue derita, apapun masalah gue, pintu rumah tetap akan terbuka lebar2 untuk gue untuk kembali ke rumah dan menikmati kehangatan yang abadi. Keluarga yang akan selalu bersama2 sampai akhir waktu. Sang Maha Pencipta, tentu saja karena toh kita akan kembali pada-Nya bukan?

Turun dan naiknya gue.

I love the way how Mama always send me messages asking, ‘lagi dimana?’, ‘pulang jam berapa dik?’

I love the way how Bapak always makes me laugh everytime I did foolish mistake, just to make me feel better.

I love the way how Mas Pandu yelled at me everytime I got nervous while driving or when I asked him to teach me to install this or that and he said ‘itu kan gampang tau, kamu coba aja..’

Thank God I have this lovelywarmth family. Hope we won’t lose this feeling. By anthing or anyone.

I just love you all, Mama, Bapak, Mas Pandu.

Sweet Kisses <3

Dimuat di Multiply ku juga

Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

what i really need is..(are)....

here's my thingies that i really need now...

1. casio futurist
don't know why, by the first time i saw this watch in casio's website, i just fell in love with. and my herat broke when i saw friend of mine wore it. The blue one. huhu. Tapi..tapii gw berjanji harus beliii ni jam tangan. hahay, bagus banget ni jam menurut gw, keren keren. Walaupun gw ga tau fungsinya untuk apa aja, yang pastii baguus jamnya. And once again, i feel "arrrghhhh" when my brother said that he wanted to bought this watc to his GF. huhuhu...kenapa semua orang mau make jam ini? jadinya ntar banyak yang make deh hehe. This is casio futurist watch:

katanya si mama mau ngasi nanti pas aku ulang tahun, yaaah masi lama juga gituu. hihihi.

2. canon digital camera
yah, gw lupa lagi serinya. Tapi gw liat ini pas lagi di PRJ, di standnya canon. Mabk2nya nawarin..aww aww lucu banget. selintas kaya lomo, dan gw kira lomo. tapi ko lomo di canon? yah bukanlah ternyata. aww lucu banget dah. warna warni gituu. Cocok buat menggantikan si samsung yang sudah usang itu hehehe. Dan seperti biasa, gw ga ngerti specnya, yang pasti itu menarik. hehe.

mauuu mauuu..yang biruuuu pastinyaaa heheh..

3. headphone for my benjiii
yess yess..benji my benQ needs headphone.

4. Job
really needs job to fulfill my need above.

sebenarnya itu 'what i really need" atau "what i really want' si sebenrnya? hahahah.

eh eh, ternyata pemeran sam soon di 'my name is kim sam soon' sama si lee so jung di'Memories in bali' itu beda yaaa? ya kira samaaaa..hahaha
ini dia si sam soon (kim seon ah)

naah kalo inisi lee so jung (ha ji won)

aaahh...miripnyaaa...kalo gw ga googling, pasti sampe sekarang gw ,masi belum nyadar kalau mereka itu beda orang..ya ampuuuunn...

oya this is the routines activity i do in this holidayy:
1. wake up at 5, solat subuh and then go to bed (again)
2. wake up at 6, checking my facebook, twitter, ,multiply from my cellphones.
3. take a bath, turn on tv watched it with my mom
4. playing dvd korean drama series till drop
5. gitu terus sampe masuk kuliah
heheh ya engga lah. kalo ada yang ngajak jalan ya jalan,nonton ya nonton,nyalon ya nyalon. hahah..

see ya lateeerrr...

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Can’t sleep…help me!!

ditulis tanggal 11 mei 2009...

Today, I just came to talkshow cita cinta held by BEM UI. The topic is “building your great cv and facing the first 3 month as a rookie..”. not like that actually, just something similar than that. For your information, I want to have an internship in this long vacation, as I said in earlier posting. And building a CV is the most important so I can join that company. The talkshow is informative and ‘life’. Just like the announcer and the ‘talkshower’ *what we called it refer to someone that gives talkshow?* Yeah, the ‘pembicara’ could attrack the attention. So far I satisfied with my choices to came to that talkshow.

You know what, I went alone to that talkshow. The talkshow held In Pusat Studi Jepang UI, and cluk..cluk..cluk I came with myself only. I believe, I will met someone there, it can be someone I know, or someone I don’t know before. Like when I came to entrepreneurship seminar a moment ago. I came with ina* one of the entrepreneur in my campus* and there, I got new friend from FKUI. His name is errr..*forgot* Dimas, if I’m not forgotten. Hehe.

Lucky me, I met kak Amel, one of my senior in my faculty. So I just sit and had chit chat with her along the talkshow. Lalalalalala…
There’s a lot of collegues wore yellow jacket. Ugh, my yellow jacket, where are you? *so long I didn’t wore you.. miss you my size S yellow jacket*

Ups, along the talkshow, I remembered him again. Huh. Miss that moment.
If only I could turn back time..and what?
Smiling at him? Glancing him? * uh, curi-curi pandang*
Okey have to go. Bye.

With lot of love,


So unconfidence

ditulis tanggal 10 mei 2009..

I just saw the program that showed a girl *a young girl, actually* that have been reached champion of ice skating of Asia. In that programme, the girl showed up her daily activities. From early morning she woke up and then having breakfast with her mom until she finished her school and practice ballet. Also showed up that the girl could play a piano nicely, take an ice skating lessons, and she went to a international school named BINUS blablabla in simprug which is they used English as their daily language and the teacher also came from other part of the world *halah*.
The point I would like to say is, I want, when I have Childs, I would like to send them to join various activities that they like. It can be joining ballet school, musical group, band, taekwondo, basket, futsal and blablabla that can establish their ability. So that they can compete with other child and be the best both in their school and in family. I hope I could achieve this dream.

Talk about dream, I have several dreams related to my marriage things, here it goes some of it:
1. I want working in an International company *or hospital*, that I shouldn’t have to wear any uniform like government employee do.
2. I want to married in young age, not more than 25 * wish me luck*
3. I want married with a psychologist, or a doctor, or an oil engineering, or a businessman. Not for politician.
4. I want to have 3 Childs. The 1st is a boy, and then the 2nd is a girl and the last is a girl. So I can go shopping with my 2 princesses and my prince could drive me to the mall. *haha..blushing*
5. I wanna go honeymoon-ing in Sumatera or Lombok. Pokonya a secret island lah.

Makin ngelantur..okey that’s from me today. Have a good Sunday.


ditulis tanggal 9 mei 2009

When I feel alone, yes I’m alone. No, I’m not aloner. But it feels right when I’m alone. Yes it’s true. I confirmed it. How about you ? do you feel the same way with me?
Do I have any disorder? As I said before, i.m happy with it, I can handled when I have to be in a crowded condition. I like it too. But, sometimes I need silence. Peace silent.
Am I tired of being all alone? *this what secondhand serenade said* I have to answer this question by now.
Gosh..what I’m talking about? Huh..being tired of nothing. You know,,like you did something that *menguras* your energy but I’m not, but in last day you feel so tired.
oke, back to our topic. Just in a two weeks ago, I’ll facing the loooooong vacation. Oh yeah, vacation semester had just arrived. And I still don’t have any paln to do to fill that loooooong vacation. Oh, yes I have actually. I’m gonna applied to one of the best make up/drugstore company. It starts with U and end with R. haha. Yup that’s it! Just wanna have an internship. Lucky me if they accept me. And paid me of course!!. But, ahh..this lazy virus came and attack me sooo bad.
Doing this week:
1. Googling ‘how to make good application letter’
2. Check my active college letter
3. Study..studyyy for final exam.

Gosh..i’m going closer with world! Real world..!!
* lagi dengerin ‘closehead-berdiri teman’ jadi sakiit perutt..have you ever felt like this? Jadi teringat memori setahun lalu. Bedah Kampus UI and the guy. Uuh!! Really miss him.

Minggu, 12 April 2009

Long Weekend.

We got long weekend last week, and i want to share what i did on last loong weekend. So, here it goes..:

Thursday (9 April 2009)
morning--> Because it's election day. So i elected.
Siang --> bobo..bobo..makan rujak..nonton Slumdog Millionaire . haha. akhirnya ditonton juga tu film. Setelah sekian bulan bertengger di ats meja belajar. It's a great movie. Walaupun terakhirnya ada dance-dance India segala. Tapi baguuus lah hayy.
Malam --> berselancar di dunia maya

Friday (10 April 2009)
On Thursday night i ask a friend of mine to accompany me watching Fast and Furios. She said ," oke oke..ayo aja nonton". Happy..hapyy..because fast and furious is one of my waiting list movies, beside new in town and all about steve. But, she wasn't confirmed yet until this friday morning. UUUgh...mumbling..mumbling..and at 09.30 am she answered my messages, and she cancelled it. Okey it's okey for me. Although, me and my family had a plan to do photosession. Haha. Yes..yes..photisession!!
At 10.00 am, we (it means me, my brother, mom and dad) gaing to have PHOTO SESSION...!!! jengjengjeng...lebih tepatnya FAMILY PHOTO SESSION alias Futu Keluarga. Hoho.
Going..going..going..we had difficulty in searching good photo studio. Tadinya mau ke malibu photo studio..eeehh ternyata udah pindah tempatnya huhuhu..
After driving for a while, then we go to one photo studio.
Blablabla..ganti baju..make up..lain2.. click click.. taraaaa..jadii deh...
Sorry not for public consumption hahah..

Afternoon --> had mom's birthday dinner. At ayam geprek restaurant. with my bro's girlfriend too.

Saturday (11 April 2009)
on saturday..gosh i forgot what i did in last saturday..hohoo..
but, it's not loong weekend that makes me happy..huh!

Jumat, 10 April 2009

kado untuk mama.

* uuuh gw kira bisa posting ke blogspot by ga bisa ya ternyata? ya sudahlah tulis lagi saja..hitung-hitung olahraga jarii hehe*

Yesterday is 9 April 2009. It's national election day for lagislative. Me and my family used our right to choose. After the business of "contreng-mencontreng "over, we went to our relatives house. She delivered her baby. Our relatives home is in the same city with me. After blablabla we going back home.
But not with me. I have to do my mission. My mission is to buy special present for my mom. Because today is my mom's birthday.
I was dropped in the terminal of public transportation. I went to elos first. But i was not satisfied with the choices there. So, i went to Detos.
After take a look for second, i prefer to buy watch. A simple-elegent watch. Covered by swarovski crystal. It's overbudget still, but i really satisfied. Because i'm sure it will lokk good on my mom's hand.
Happy birthdayyy mom..kiss kiss

Kamis, 09 April 2009

Sabtu, 04 April 2009

L* v * killing me!

Humm...feels happy when i see you

it doesn't matter if i only could see you once in a week

just less than 2 hours

oh no..!
i just fallin' in love..

no matter who you are

no matter what habit you do just killing me..

but it's hell ya makes me live!!


Rabu, 01 April 2009

Gosh!! I forget to lift my dumbell..!!

For this semester i took Management of Change class. It's very interesting class. The lecturer is a type of funny lecturer. She is Master of Psychology. *uuhhh..makin pengen s2 psikologi !!*. We usually do some games in class. Lyke games "panjang-pendek", "gajah-semut" hahah funnylah. this class I , i mean we.. have to do some practice to change our life. It can be " don't wanna be a procrastinator anymore", " not yelling or grumbling for 2 months", or " ga tidur lagi sehabis solat subuh" ummm..everything that reflect your changes in life. And my topic is...Tadaaaaa.. "I WANT TO BE MORE HEALTHIER ". And for this assignment i have to do some sports, choose food wisely to eat * esp. avoid junk food and fast food, and of course.. instant food*. 

I do little exercise, u know what? lift a dumbell. hahah. I do it regularly every night. And it works, for about two weeks i do the exercise, my auntie said " there's something different with your it bigger? " 

Gossh...the reason i do lifting dumbell is to TIGHT my arm not to make it BIGGER !!

And here's the 1 kg dumbell

shopping makes woman feel happy,,even when she's broke

Today,i just have one class to attend. It's Management of Health Reproducy. The class will be held at 10.00, so i leave home at 8.00, because i have a plan to "ngenet" at campus first ..its free, for your information. I arrived at 9.00, and go straight to 'labkom'. After bla bla bla bla,,at 10.00 i go to my class. Tadaaaa,,full of people here, i came bit late,so i so got chair at the back of my classroom. At 10.15 my friend said that there's no class today! hufff,,my lecturer just gave us a task to do and we have to collect it 2 weeks from now. Okei okei,,so i leave class....grumbled..grumbled. And i just get confused. Where will i go now? my friend still in their own class *we have different departement so we go in different class*. Voilaaaaa.. i get idea. I need couple of shirt, i bring little money, and i think SHOPPING is the best idea for me!! oke oke..i go to pocin station,and i buy a ticket to go to ITC Depok. but gosh..silly stupid me! i buy ticket to bogor,not to Depok. I lost my Rp 1000 for my stupidity. Yes,its only Rp 1000,but still...its money!!

So,after take a walk and get LOST, i get 2 head scarf and i shirt. And i'm very enjoying my shopping time..eventhough i go there alone and chose which one is the good one alone and bargaining alone. but still..its veryyyyy relaxing!!

Oya,i have BAD HABBIT when shopping alone. I often get LOST by myself. 

Ughh..i think i have psychological disorder. Disorientation of way i think. 

haha..smell ya later. 

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Lady Arwen

suka lyv tyler,,apalagi pas jadi lady arwen di LOTR ,,,

there's always be first time for everything,,,

posting pertama ini sebenernya buat coba-coba,,buat percobaan perbandingan blog mana yang paling enak. Sabtu kemarin, pas kuliah media plan, dapet tugas buat blog. Temanya bebas, tapi berdasarkan topik Public Health. Karena tugasnya berkelompok, jadilah bagi2 doong. Jduueeengg,,,gw kebagian buat account blognya. Okeokeoke,,siapsiap!! Sebelumnya ga udah punya blog, tapi di multiply,,itupun karena terhasut temen. Tapi, belakangan udah jarang banget ngepost di situ seringnya ngeliat n ngasi comment blogger2 disitu.