Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Can’t sleep…help me!!

ditulis tanggal 11 mei 2009...

Today, I just came to talkshow cita cinta held by BEM UI. The topic is “building your great cv and facing the first 3 month as a rookie..”. not like that actually, just something similar than that. For your information, I want to have an internship in this long vacation, as I said in earlier posting. And building a CV is the most important so I can join that company. The talkshow is informative and ‘life’. Just like the announcer and the ‘talkshower’ *what we called it refer to someone that gives talkshow?* Yeah, the ‘pembicara’ could attrack the attention. So far I satisfied with my choices to came to that talkshow.

You know what, I went alone to that talkshow. The talkshow held In Pusat Studi Jepang UI, and cluk..cluk..cluk I came with myself only. I believe, I will met someone there, it can be someone I know, or someone I don’t know before. Like when I came to entrepreneurship seminar a moment ago. I came with ina* one of the entrepreneur in my campus* and there, I got new friend from FKUI. His name is errr..*forgot* Dimas, if I’m not forgotten. Hehe.

Lucky me, I met kak Amel, one of my senior in my faculty. So I just sit and had chit chat with her along the talkshow. Lalalalalala…
There’s a lot of collegues wore yellow jacket. Ugh, my yellow jacket, where are you? *so long I didn’t wore you.. miss you my size S yellow jacket*

Ups, along the talkshow, I remembered him again. Huh. Miss that moment.
If only I could turn back time..and what?
Smiling at him? Glancing him? * uh, curi-curi pandang*
Okey have to go. Bye.

With lot of love,


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